Darling read my lips, we're going down like sinking ships.

Kayla.Jellyfish.Bears. Photography.Night Owl.Sixteen. Piano.Fucking shit up. I made this blog for myself and no one else. I don't care if you read or not~ Tumblr Flickr DeviantART
msn icon Pictures, Images and Photos
falleneffect@hotmail 10.09
Have you ever~

Fallen off the bed?: Yes, d:
Broken someone else's heart?: Yes, I have.
Had your heart broken?: Well yesss.
Had a dream come true?: I suppose. Hopefully meeting Jake sometime. That would be a dream come true. (:


Wearing: Cut off jeans, and a black and white plaid V-neck.
Listening to: The television, watching some movie that I bought but got bored of.
Located: In my living room.
Chatting with: Jake, Miranda, & Aaron.
Should really be: Finishing the grocery list I started making.

Do you~ 
Have any piercings: Well, one of my ears. Stretching my ears didn't work out so well, left ear got infected. I had to take it out and now it's back to normal.
Drive: I wish.
Drink: Occasionally. If I have a drink in my hand, I will drink it.
Have a cell phone: Of course.

Last person you~

Hugged: Joey.
IMed: Jake.
Talked with on the phone: Joey.
Text: Joey, haha.


What do you want to be when you grow up? Photographer, I suppose.
What comes first in your life? My best friends.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Depends on what happened that day.


Show: Probably Chowder, Flapjack, or That 70's Show. O3O
Store: Any vintage store, and Urban Outfitters.
Food: Junk food.
Color: Green and light blue.

Do you~

Like to give hugs: I love giving hugs. :3
Like to walk in the rain: Mhm, and playing in the rain.
Prefer black or blue: Blueee.
Sleep on your side: Sometimes, :P
Have stuffed animals: Many, actually.

This or that

Pierced nose or tongue: Nose of course. Tongue piercings are gross. :/
MTV or BET: MTV, I don't even know what BET is.
7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek: Gay, neither.
Chocolate or flowers: Probably flowers.
Color or black-and-white photos: Depends on what the picture is of. I really like black and white photos if it has emotion. If not, I really like color.
Stay up late or sleep in: Stay up then sleep in, of course.
Hot or cold: Warrmmm.
Sun or moon: Moon. (:
Left or Right: Left.
10 Acquaintances or one best friend:  One best friend.
Spring or Fall: Fall.
Happy or sad: Happy, there's no point in being sad.
Wonder or amazement: Wonder.


First Screen Name: I have absolutely no idea. It was something really dorky, like Kacie4dogs, I believe. I used to go by Kacie. 
First self purchased CD: Probably Green Day. I'm awesome. 
First pet: A white kitty named Tigger. Unless frogs count. I kept a lot of those. (:
 First piercing/tattoo: Haven't gotten those yet.


Last good cry: Yesterday. Just being so confused.Last phone call: From Joey about an hour ago.Last time showered: This morning.


Current mood: Confused and a little sad. 
Current food: Nothing, I haven't eaten all day. 
Current hair: Wet. Still. 
Current annoyance(s): Not being able to decide, and wanting what I can't have.

Who last~

Made you smile: Jake.
Saw you cry: Joey.

Would you rather~

Be serious or be funny? Funny, serious is boring.
Drink whole or skim milk? No idea what the difference is, to be honest.
Spend time with your parents or enemies? Neither.

Do you prefer~

Do you prefer gray or black? Probably gray.
Lust or love? Love, of course...
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
M&M's or skittles? M&M's :D

Answer truthfully

Do you like anyone? Yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No. I consider that lust.
Do you fall for the wrong guy or girl? Apparently.