Darling read my lips, we're going down like sinking ships.

Kayla.Jellyfish.Bears. Photography.Night Owl.Sixteen. Piano.Fucking shit up. I made this blog for myself and no one else. I don't care if you read or not~ Tumblr Flickr DeviantART
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New kicks;
I gots new kicks! (: I really like them. I didn't exactly want the color white though, but it's alright I guess. This picture isn't the best for showing off my shoes but I could get a better picture. Deal! I was trying to get my pants in the photo with them. In my opinion bright white shoes look really bad with light blue pants. I plan on just wearing my back pants with them. They'll stick out more but oh well. I tried on boots today at Payless where I went to get these shoes. I decided boots just look wierd on me. I'm better off with converse and vans. 
Today went better than I thought it would. I never slept last night. I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. I couldn't get my mind off of things. I felt helpless, worthless, horrible, and slightly depressed. I'd never cried that hard in my life. I went the whole day without sleep and I feel great. I finished all of my school work around noon. I took a shower, ate lunch, and sat on the couch for a while texting Joey. I never got to see him but that's alright. I wasn't expecting to see him anyways. My  mom's boyfriends family came over to eat dinner with us. I honestly don't like them. They're very loud country folks...heh. Although there was an adorable two year old girl named Alexis here. She was really shy. It was fun having her around at least. We played with my kitty Tigger for a while. We ate. They left. My mom and I went to Payless. What's sad is that's the most fun all weekend. Running around a shoe store by myself. The lady their complimented on my really crappy ring too. I don't know why she would think its nice. It's old and banged up. I just don't have any other rings and I have to have a ring on or it bothers me. Anyways... it was nice of her. I went home and talked to Jake for a while and figured out what I'm wearing tomorrow. 
I'm not looking forward to dealing with Teacher's or just people in general but I'll get through the day. Joey is supposed to walk home with me. Hopefully. 
 I plan on sleeping tonight though. I feel like I can sleep for once. Things are getting better. Goodnight.