Hey there. I've missed you.
So much to talk about I had to make a list! Goodness!
-btw, this is going to be really long because I haven't blogged in a while. I have a million ideas.
Alright, here we go.
So! I should be getting out of school later on this week to be homeschooled. I really think it'll be easier for me because I can do all of my work on my own time and not fall so behind. yay. I will also, like I said before, be done with school way faster. Thumbs up to that. I'll miss a lot of my friends though. I will also have way more time on my hands though so that'll make up for it.
In the mean time though I plan on getting a job and saving up for a laptop, then quitting the job because I don't actually need money right now. Well, I kind of do. I'll stay at the job if it's actually good. Sounds like a plan. ;)
I also hope to work with Miranda. Maybe. We'll try to find a job together.
I'd probably have a few funny stories from work all the time too. That could be ineteresting.
oh! & also saving up for a new camera. I really really really need a new one.
Go look at my Flickr. Pwease?
I got new pictures!
comment if you have a flickr, I'll return the favor.
here's two of them-
Moving on.
I absolutely HAVE to say something about Jakeyboo,so.
well I'll just tell him couple of things.
1. You need to stop falling asleep on the phone. I hate hanging up on you.
2. I'm glad you don't breathe loudly when you're asleep, but then again that would be fun to make fun of you for.
4. I have your gift now! I also made you something you'll love. It's coming soon. O:
5. You're the best bestest best friend a Kayla could ever have.
Moving on on.
I'm just going to throw out some random things now.
I really want to see the movie Remember Me. Looks like a romantic that will make me cry.
I really want to find new vegetarian foods. I'm a little tired of the same things.
I think I'm developing isomnia. I haven't been able to sleep no matter how hard I try. I will wake up at six in the morning, after maybe getting one or two hours of sleep that night, and I will try to go to sleep around ten the next night and I still can't fall asleep. What is wrong with meee? So frustrating.
I've eaten doritos way too much and now I'm starting to not like them as much.
I deleted my myspace because it was causing way too many problems. I have a facebook though. meh.
Miranda and I are thinking about doing youtube videos together. I think we'll be pretty good and interesting to watch if we tried. We have a lot of ideas for videos. Hopefully we get started on them soon.
I'm surprised this thing doesn't have a limit.
I have way more things to say but I'm going to stop now.
I have one more thing I want to tell/share with you guys.
I wanted to show you a few texts from my wonderful Joey that I love to just look at. They're my saved messages and I got this idea of sharing my boyfriends messages from someone else a while back but she deleted her blog.
tough luck.
"I love looking into your eyes and thinking "those are the eyes that i'll be looking into on my wedding day""
"I love you. You're my whole heart."
"I do love Kayla more than she loves me. I love her 1000000 X's more!"
"How'd my little Kayla sleep? :))"
"Goodmorning lover of mine :)"
"Awww! You always give me butterflies! :)) You're mine!"
"I want to spend every second I have with you :D"
A lot of them are innapropriate.
and/or extremely long. like pages long of lovelyness.
So that's all for now.
(besides, this blog is too long D:)
This thing has gone on for way too long.
This is going to be a really crappy blog because it's on my iPod. My laptop crashed. ):
Anyway, lately there has been a lot going on. I'm getting into homeschool, hopefully. Joey has been helping out a lot with that because his grandma and him know everything about homeschooling. I hope it works out because they said I would be getting held back and I don't want to do that. Either way during school I wouldn't be around my friends, so I'd like being home instead of around a bunch of douches all day. They said I would be done with school around Christmas or January too. Yay.
Joey and I have been fighting a lot. As always. I saw him saturday, we went to see Alice In Wonderland. That movie was fantastic in my opinion. Maybe only because I love all the characters and the whole story, but from Tim Burton, it wasn't anything special. One thing I hated was that Anne Hathaway played the white queen. She sucked up that roll.
Ah, way off topic.
To sum it up, big fights but it seems like it's getting easier to get through lately. I never see him anymore though. I can't tell yet if that's a good or bad thing.

I randomly found this in my iPod photos last night. I remember Joey made up this silly story about me randomly kicking a little kids butt. Thought I'd share this memory with you. ;D
Made me smile.
I stretched one of my ears, but the other one just doesn't want to heal from a normal piercing. ): I'm impatient so I might just deal with pain and stretch it later today. The tapers are glow in the dark and I love them. I doubt I'll be sizing up for a while. That's how much I love them. Mmmmm.
Three things I'm trying to decide on: 1. What to dye my hair. 2. How I should cut my hair. & 3. If I should get angel bites or snake bites.
Have any opinions, contact me somehow, I'd like to know watcha think. :{D
Random things I'd like to throw out there. Dear John was okay, not what I expected but I still cried, a lot. I hate it when I go to Mexican resteruants and I can't understand what the hell they're saying. I had a waiter the other day I couldn't understand. He wound up just pointing at everything. I really hope Alice In Wonderland doesn't have obsessed fans like twilight. I don't want to see kids running around acting crazy because they think they're the mad hatter. He /is/ pretty badass though. His eyes dazzle me. Edward looks like a fag compared to this man. Yeee.
That's all. I stayed home today so I guess I'm going to play kingdom hearts on my DS all day.
Peace and love.
p.s. Jake has to be in this. Just saying, I wish I was a teacher at his school.